PatternsSubscriber Class

The PatternsSubscriber class provides an abstraction ontologenius subscription mechanism.More...

Ros1 Package: ontologenius
Ros2 Package: ontopy


__init__(self, name)
int subscribe(self, pattern, callback, count = -1)
bool cancel(self, id)
bool end(self, dest_name, src_name)

Detailed Description

The PatternsSubscriber class provides an abstraction ontologenius subscription mechanism.

Querying a knowledge base is interesting but when one is waiting a given fact, pulling the knowledge base can be an issue. To solve that, Ontologenius provide a subscription mechanism allowing to subscribe not one only to given facts but also to patterns.

Methods Documentation

__init__(self, name)

Constructs a pattern subscriber.

Can be used in a multi-ontology mode by specifying the name of the ontology name(str). For classic use, name(str) should be defined as "".

subscribe(self, pattern, callback, count)

Subscribes to a given pattern(str) linked to a callback(function(str)). Patterns are in the form "[add]subject|property|object". Subject and object can be set as classes such as "[add]Cube|isOnTopOf|Table" to subscibe to any fact representing a cube being on a table. In addition, any of the four elements can be setted with question mark which can be read as "any". For example, "[?]?isOnTopOf|Table" to subscribe to any deletion or addition of any thing being on a entity of type Table.

The parameter count(int) can be set to limit the subscription. Default parameter -1 corresponds to an unlimited subscription.

This function returns the subscription id(int). This later is only used to manually unsubscribe.

cancel(self, id)

Manualy unsubscribe from a pattern using the corresponding subscription id(int).

Return True if the unsubscription suceeded.


Tests if any subscription is still ongoing.