Install Ontologenius ROS1
Since Ontologenius is a ROS package, make sure that ROS is installed on your platform. Ontologenius is fully supported and maintained on ROS Noetic Ninjemys. Desktop ROS configuration is not required for use of ontologenius.
Clone the package on your catkin workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/git clone ..catkin_make
If you have the following error :
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "qt_build" with any of the following names:
You just have to install qt-build:
sudo apt-get install ros-DISTRO-qt-build
Test Ontologenius installation
Just run rostest to check if all the features work well on your platform:
catkin_make run_tests_ontologenius_rostest
Some asynchronous mechanisms are used. A computer with little computing power can therefore affect some tests due to a slow response time.
Improve performaces
If you really need huge performaces, you can use the tcmalloc library which provide custom allocators.
sudo apt install libtcmalloc-minimal4
You can now use the dedicated ontologenius launch argument by providing the path toward the tcmalloc library. To find the path use the following:
find /usr -name *tcmalloc*