Let's see how to configure the perception modules to choose the ones you want to use and customize their settings.
The configuration is described in a YAML file. The content looks like what follows:
To pass your configuration file to an Overworld executable see the launcher page.
To see the currently installed modules and their available parameters take a look to the plugins page.
The modules correspond to the perception modules that will be loaded at the launch. These modules are divided in four categories: robot, humans, objects, and areas.
In each category, the keys correspond to the modules' type while the values are the user-defined instances names. For example, in the provided configuration file, we load a JointStatePerceptionModule module called pr2_joints and two Pr2GripperPerceptionModule modules called r_gripper_tool_frame and pr2_right_gripper
Some perception modules have parameters that you can set. Just put the name of the module as a tag and then the name of the parameters followed by their values. Not all parameters need to be defined.